Consulting at Damerham Ltd
2 St George’s Cottages, South End, Damerham, Fordingbridge, Hampshire SP6 3HP UK Tel: +44 (0)1725 518021
Mobile: +44 (0)789 903 5870
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If you are focusing on CQC registration and compliance, risk management, improving clinical governance systems and processes or infection control within your organisation read on:
The most recent assignment, delivered for a leading Community Services organisation in the South, has involved:
• CQC Compliance – Introduced new systems and embedded understanding throughout the organisation on what it means to be compliant as well as how to do it. By doing this she has helped this organisation pass four inspections by CQC in a variety of services with flying colours and inspired confidence in the rest of the governance team. The organisation also now has trained, enthusiastic registered managers for each area and Sarah saved the provider £10k by de-registering five locations through her CQC Registration review.
• Incident Reporting and Patient Safety Thermometer – Designed to measure harm in patients, Sarah implemented this tool across the Community provider in just three months resulting in CQUIN income of £53,000 and mitigating a fine of up to 33% of the budget. She has also led and implemented a project to upgrade the organisation’s incident reporting software and management to a fully online reporting system reducing head count in the department and improving transparency and accountability for incident reporting across the organisation.
• Policy Review – Reviewed key policies in light of the organisation moving away from being an NHS organisation to a Social Enterprise. Has had to re-focus to be more commercially aligned and implemented a more robust policy management system.
Recommendations from previous clients:
The Commercial Lead for Commissioning and Service Development a recent assignment had this to say at the end of the project: “Due to Sarah’s commitment and diligence we were able to evaluate all service bids in relation to each other and ensure they are all meeting the correct requirements in line with the Department of Health standards for service provision. She is very good at engaging clinicians and has a winning way about her. She is good at selling ideas to others and I would recommend her to anyone.”
One Director of Patient Safety & Quality wrote: "Sarah is an incredible self-starter; she is very resourceful and works well with no supervision. She has left us with a strong tangible approach to the community MRSA screening project, with good protocols, documents and patient pathways agreed and in place. I would happily recommend her for NHS project work and have no problem putting her into politically challenging environments."
Please do contact Sarah on or 0789 903 5870 to talk about your role and interim needs.
Consulting at Damerham Ltd 2 St George’s Cottages, South End, Damerham, Fordingbridge, Hampshire SP6 3HP UK
Tel: +44 (0)1725 518021 Mobile: +44 (0)789 903 5870 Email:
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